EdgeCare: Getting the Edge on Data-Driven Self-Managed Care

EdgeCare Community Workshop

The EdgeCare team organized successful "Feedback & Listening Sessions" with our community partners including AARP, Alzheimer's Association, ASU Office of the COO, AZ Caregiver Coalition, Banner Health/Arizona State University, Duet: Partners In Health & Aging, In-town design guru, Pat Tillman Veterans Center, Phoenix VA and Via Linda Behavioral Health. The workshop attendees offered in-depth and insightful discussions on a variety of important topics on healthcare for older adults and veterans, including: how to identify better ways for providers to assess older adult needs and functioning at home through technology and AI; promote ease of technology maintenance and support for older adult technology use; provide the right amount of choices to offer control without creating overwhelm; and improve inter-agency communication to streamline care. The workshop was followed by a focus group study on key healthcare providers.