SEC’23 Best Poster Award
VISA PhD student Kaiqi Zhao‘s work “Self-Supervised Quantization-Aware Knowledge Distillation” won the Best Poster Award at the Eighth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2023)! Congrats!
VISA PhD student Kaiqi Zhao‘s work “Self-Supervised Quantization-Aware Knowledge Distillation” won the Best Poster Award at the Eighth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2023)! Congrats!
Dr. Zhao presented two papers at the flagship signal processing conference ICASSP and its satellite workshop on “A Contrastive Knowledge Transfer Framework for Model Compression and Transfer Learning” (YouTube video) and “Confidence-based Federated Distillation for Vision-based Lane-centering”.
Dr. Zhao presented a paper on “GPU-enabled Function-as-a-Service for Machine Learning Inference” at a top distributed computing conference, IPDPS 2023.
Congrats to VISA PhD student Kaiqi Zhao on her paper “Automatic Attention Pruning: Improving and Automating Model Pruning using Attentions” (YouTube Video) published and presented at AISTATS, a top AI conference.
VISA high-school researcher Alex Huang won 2nd place of Software Systems at the Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AzSEF) for his project on Semantic Privacy-Preserving for Video Surveillance Services on the Edge. Congratulations Alex!